The Coming of the Holy Spirit       Acts 1:1 

On the Day of Pentecost, the believers were praying in the upper room. Suddenly they heard a loud noise.It 
sounded like a violent storm coming out of heaven. The sound filled the room, and they saw what looked like fire. Suddenly it separated and settled on each believer. Instantly, they were filled with the Holy Spirit and started to 
speak in foreign languages. People from the city heard about this. Among them were Jews from many countries 
who spoke different languages. They went to see what was happening. When they got there, they heard the 
apostles speaking in various languages, including the ones of everyone in the crowd. Some of the people said, 
“This is impossible! These men can’t speak our language. They’re from Galilee. Yet we’re hearing them in our 
own tongue.” Others said, “Oh, they’re just drunk.” Peter stood up in front of them and said, “These men aren’t drunk. This is what the prophets of old talked about when they said God would pour out his Spirit upon common people.” “You saw the miracles of Jesus. Still, you crucified him – nailed him to a cross and put him in the grave. 
But we’re witnesses that God raised him from the dead! He’s alive. He sits at the right hand of the Father. 
Now he has sent us his Holy Spirit. This is what you’re seeing.” “Understand what I’m saying. You crucified Jesus, 
but God highly exalted him and made him Lord and Messiah!” The people said, “What you’re saying is true, 
but what can we do?” Peter said, “Repent, and we’ll baptize you in the name of Jesus. Once you’ve received 
forgiveness of your sins, God will fill you with the Holy Spirit.” That day, the apostles baptized those who received 
the message. The number of believers grew to over 3,000 people. They met together often so they could learn from each other and from the apostles. The apostles did many miracles and wonders, and the number of believers grew day by day. These believers dedicated themselves to prayer, sharing meals together, and spending time with 
each other.


“Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” —James 4:7

There is a huge rock upon the Swiss side of the St. Gothard road, about which an old legend is told by the natives of the neighboring village. The devil was whisking this enormous stone along very merrily at early dawn of day, when he was met by a devout old woman, who, being somewhat alarmed, uttered a prayer at the sight of the unexpected traveller. Such was the power of her prayer that the demon dropped his burden at once, and there it lays--an indisputable proof that the devil is no match for old ladies who know how to invoke the aid of heaven.

The church has sanctioned many a worse legend than this, for a truthful moral lies upon the surface. Let interceding believers make the fiend to tremble always by praying without ceasing.

 The weakest saint praying upon his or her knees, is victorious over all the powers of hell.

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, 
so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit".
Romans 15:13