We will view our brothers, sisters and our surrounding community as our
guests and neighbors with whom we wish to cultivate a relationship rather
than being seen as the final resolution of individual and group problems.
By God's grace and our efforts to do God's will, we believe problem solving
solutions will be manifested for the poor, the down trodden, the homeless,
prisoners and in time, all God's children in need.
We will collaborate with community leaders, citizens, local, State governments,
educational institutions, human-service organizations, businesses, congregations,
foundations, and other non-profit organizations to develop a spirit of
inclusion and partnership.
We will create programs that open avenues to self-sufficiency, which will
allow our friends to become productive and valuable members of our community.
We will seek to develop innovative cross-sectional partnerships by involving
our friends in opportunities where they can offer their skills and leadership
in the ongoing programs of TAP FAITH MINISTRIES and those of our community