Questions We've Been Asked

What will the vetting process include?  The vetting process paperwork is in progress. It will include intake paperwork, clear rules of comportment, guidelines for a successful transitional journey from homelessness, neediness and addictions to sober self-sufficiency.  YES residents will need to agree to participate.

Will these homes be owned by the person or rented?   Neither - For the most part residents will begin their journey as unemployed homeless people,
unable to pay rent, certainly unable to buy any property. Furthermore, the individual living quarters will not be placed on sub-divided, deeded lots. It is not a subdivision. It is a community for the enrichment  of homeless, needy , the less fortunate, people seeking to be free from addictions and for finding their souls
through the inspiration of the Gospels.  It will be a place for people to rise from the sociological bottom, through community,program transition,
into self-sufficient, contributing members of society.

Will participation in established programs be a prerequisite and a requirement?  YES.  The sole purpose of the project is to bring life long success to formerly homeless and addicted people. With out the programs the project would be no better than tents behind Walmart.

How will this be financially maintained once it is started?   A five year plan will be created which will contain the necessary formulas for self-sufficient community sustainability.

How will heating and cooling of these homes be accomplished?  How do the homeless heat and cool their tents?   That is the question that should be asked first? While there are low voltage floor heating systems available there are no plans to include such technologies at this time.
The main house will provide the day to day needs. Many of these questions will be addressed in the feasibility study. Subsequent recommendations will be publish here and in the media, for comments, ideas and participation by interested people.

Will there be something like a porta-potty inside the micro-home?  NO.  While there are 55 flush camping units available, there will be water, functioning toilets, showers and sinks in the MAIN HOUSE and  plans to utilize Clean Delaware portable toilets located adjacent to the main house.
Running water, sewage disposal and free electricity in quarters will cause a number of compliance problems and foster an atmosphere of complacency for people coming from tents in the woods to a functioning community.
The main house will provide for day to day needs.

How will food be cooked and refrigerated?  No cooking or refrigeration will be permitted in quarters.
These activities, conducted in confined spaces, are considered safety,
fire and electrical hazards. Remember that this group of people are coming from abject poverty to more comfortable accommodations.
There will be facilities for these activities within the Main House.
Usage will be by tight schedule. "One has to crawl before they walk, walk before they run." Erica Lenard James

How can churches and other people help to make this vision a reality?  By contributing financially and other ways, to this very worthy project. The Reverend Martin Luther King said:
“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’”

Will children and families be invited to live there or will the houses mainly be for individuals?  No children or families at first - just individuals. During phase two we will structure an individual co-ed environmental test.  After that perhaps Families will be structured into the community. We must succeed in our initial pilot project before we expand into other demographic categories.

Will there be an internal "governing body" to make and enforce rules of the community?  NO -  At first and until the methodology for success is tested and understood, community management will make and enforce rules and the behaviors of residents. Installing wireless cameras with smart phone monitoring and recording will allow management to monitor behaviors 24 hours a day. Perhaps, if responsible residents are identified, they could be engaged in the effort to monitor and report activities. However; We want to avoid "A fox guarding the hen house", a proverb that has been traced back to 'Contre-League' and is similar to the Latin: 'Ovem lupo commitere'
('To set a wolf to guard sheep.') Discernment and good oversight will serve the project well.