What we believe to be the Two most Important Books on Earth are found below along with 
Tap Faith Ministry documents on important subjects. Each should be read over and over 
again to fully comprehend the lessons contained within them.

The Bible is the word of God.
Within its text you will find everything necessary to save your immortal soul.
To live your life according to God's will. To find peace within yourself and to learn 
how to love God, yourself and your fellow man.

The second is less important but powerful.
Written by Napolean Hill after 20 years of interviews with the most successful 
business people on Earth at the time of its creation.
Within its text you will find how to succeed in the secular world.
How to train yourself for personal and business success. 
How to use the gifts God gave you to achieve your maximum potential in a
difficult and often uncaring world. Like the Bible the knowledge 
contained within it is timeless.

The documents found below, are of particular interest to Tap Faith.
Our goal to reduce homelessness is close to each of our hearts. 
Excellent leadership is the key to achieving our goals.
 Check out our Community Project below. 
God willing, together, we can make it a reality.



The Community Project

Homelessness 101

Tap Faith Resourse Booklet

TAPFAITH manual of documents


Think and Grow Rich

Homeless action plan


Tap Faith Life Skills Course


The Price of Freedom